After Christmas, click here to find how how and where to easily recycle or dispose of your Christmas tree!
And to recycle used, broken or old Christmas lights and electronics
See this page for local options to easily recycle your Christmas holiday lights
When should you take the Christmas tree, lights and decorations down? See this page for
traditions and standards
Help me keep this page complete and up to date, by
reporting any corrections needed or suggesting farms to add!
My Christmas Tree guide has photos and descriptions of
more than 2 dozen varieties of Christmas trees, along with a simple comparison chart!
If it has just snowed; see
this page about how to make snocones from real snow!
Your kids will love it!
- If the name of the farm is blue with an underline; that's a link to their website or Facebook page. Click on it for the most current hours and information.
- ALWAYS email or call the farm or store BEFORE YOU GO
- many farms have closed in the past year, and of course, we won't know until the season starts and we find they aren't open! Call to confirm their supply, their hours
and whether they have trees, are allowing choose-and-cut or just precut trees; and which attractions or winter activities are available.
All three can change during the short Christmas season, due to weather, demand and the farmer's business conditions! Farms get sold, shut down or run out of trees, and they don't all update me every day, let alone every year. For
more tips to make your trip fun and successful, click here
DON'T DRIVE OUT THERE IF YOU CAN'T REACH THEM (by phone, email or find current information on their website or Facebook page!
- And please tell the farmer you visit in Greece that you found their farm
here! I need the farmers to realize that you found them here so that they will keep their information up to date!
If you want to provide feedback about a farm or the website
, please let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more. After Christmas, click here to find how how and where to easily recycle or dispose of your Christmas tree!
Looking for more info?
Updates for February 2025
February 2025: Most Christmas tree farms open on the the last weekend in November
and are open up to Christmas Eve.Some are only open on weekends, or only have
hayrides, Santa visits and events on weekends.
Christmas tree farms, lots and activities, sorted by county
Click on Resources above, if you need a country map
Pick-your-own Christmas tree farms in Greece
Be sure to check prices with the farms; they may be out of date. There must
be more Christmas tree farms and lots in Greece, but there sure do hide well!
If you know of any, write me
Chalkidiki region
CHO.C.O. farms (CHOose, Cut, Offset)
- Choose and Cut
Christmas trees, Trees bagged, Trees tied, Tree shaking provided,
Trees baled, Free tree trimmings, Saws provided, free hot coffee
Cholomontas mountain, Taxiarchis, GR 63100 Greece.
+306944759691. Email: [email protected]
.. Open:
only on Saturday, Saturday after Thanksgiving, and Sunday, November 29, 2015; from 9
am to 5 pm EET (UTC + 2:00).We minimize use of pesticides and other
chemicals. Directions: Two locations:
click here for a map to Jimmy's CHO.C.O. farm
here for a map to Karantaglis' CHO.C.O. farm
. Payment: cash,
only. Discount coupons for lunch and accommodation with every tree
bought. Choose & Cut farms, in the form of CHO.C.O. farms, operate
for the first time in Greece in 2015, after a project undertaken in
the Forest Research Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece. The idea
belongs to Dr. Konstantinos Papaspyropoulos, (Forest Economics PhD)
and the project is financed by Greek and EU funds. CHO.C.O. farms
(CHOose, Cut, Offset) are the business as usual Choose & Cut farms,
but additionally, the farms will have offset the emissions caused by
the car use of their customers driving to the farm. Thus, the farms
will be carbon neutral and they will display the certificate of
forest offsets' purchase to the customers.
You Choose and Cut
Christmas trees: Abies borisii-regis (Bulgarian fir), Abies
cephalonica (Greek fir) and some Nordmann fir
You Choose and We Cut Christmas trees:
Abies borisii-regis (Bulgarian fir), Abies cephalonica (Greek fir)
and some Nordmann fir
Precut trees: Abies borisii-regis
(Bulgarian fir), Abies cephalonica (Greek fir) and some Nordmann fir
Living Christmas trees: Abies borisii-regis (Bulgarian fir), Abies
cephalonica (Greek fir) and some Nordmann fir
Other information about Christmas in Greece:h3>
There's plenty to pick in Greece!
Click here for the PYO fruit and vegetable farms list!
In addition to listings of U Pick farms, I hope the following pages are
helpful to you!
- Picking Tips!
- Recipes
- Simple instructions:
- Canning and Freezing
Click here for related items on Amazon
Click here for related items on Amazon
Complete Water Bath Canner Kit
This is the same type of standard canner that my grandmother
used to make everything from applesauce to jams and jellies to tomato and
spaghetti sauce! This complete kit includes everything you need and
lasts for years:
the canner, jar rack, jar grabber tongs,
lid lifting wand, six pint jars with lids and rings, a plastic funnel,
labels, bubble freer, and the bible of canning, the Ball Blue Book. It's
much cheaper than buying the items separately. You'll
never need anything else except more jars and lids!